Friday, January 23, 2009

A Very Random Friday . . . just some random thoughts and happenings of the week

I've found my thoughts to be a lot more scattered over the last month or so. I like to call it pregnancy brain and blame it on my ever changing hormones. Because of this feeling of disarray, it has been hard for me to post regularly here on my blog with main points and solid topics. Today I have decided to just give in to my "pregnancy brain" and write about a few random happenings of this week and past weeks. Hopefully it will still be interesting.

First of all, I've been really blessed over the past couple of weeks with good publicity and encouraging contacts. Recently a local Kansas City area newspaper contacted me about including some photos of my creations in an upcoming article. They did a phone interview and asked for some good quality photos. I was really happy and encouraged by that. I was also contacted recently by a local co-op arts and crafts gallery that asked me to join. Unfortunately, with a baby coming, I could not commit to the responsibility involved, but I was extremely flattered to have been contacted and asked. Then there have also been a few blogs that have featured my work over the last couple of weeks which is always a little boost of happiness to see. All of these little things have been a real God-send in some ways because I have felt so very tired and unproductive due to the pregnancy. These little bursts of publicity and validation really help to keep me going and encouraged in my artistic endeavors.

The next bit of randomness actually happened today. A fellow Etsy seller contacted me. They were very honest in expressing how they like a certain aspect of some of my item listings and marketing style and wanted to incorporate that into their own item listings and marketing. Essentially, they were asking me what I thought about the copyright and ethical issues of it. First of all, let me say that I was impressed that they actually contacted me and did not just copy without considering my side. This showed a sign of professionalism to me. That being said, as a professional artist and business woman, I am protective of anything that is my original design which includes not only my creations but also my photo styles, descriptions, titles, etc. Situations like this are difficult because as an otherwise civil and kind person, I don't want to come across as a dragon lady, but then again business is business. My response, in the most polite way that I could, reminded the other Etsy seller that all of my designs including photo styles, descriptions, titles, etc., were uniquely mine. I also mentioned the importance of professionalism and the consequences of copyright infringement. Their response was actually very civil and understanding with them agreeing to seek their own marketing path for their unique items. What I thought would be a considerably uncomfortable situation was actually not that bad. I think that being able to communicate with one another in such a way shows signs of true professionalism among colleagues. Unfortunately, I know that when it comes to copyright and ethics, that is not always going to be the case, but for today, I feel blessed with the outcome.

And lastly, I have felt in rather a creative funk lately. It seems that I have a strong desire to make art objects, but I don't have any energy for it. I like making my little needle felted jewelry creations which are quite popular in my Etsy shop, but I have felt the need to branch out beyond that with some creations that are just art for art's sake and not utilitarian in any way. This is quite unusual for me considering that I ordinarily like my creations to all have a "useful" purpose and therefore concentrate on jewelry and fashion accessories. I hope that I have the physical energy soon to start creating some art objects. It will be a bit of a new adventure for me, but I think that I need that right now. I'm ready to explore a new side of fiber art and feltmaking.

So you've made it through my random thoughts this Friday - congratulations and thank you! I hope that you have a splendid weekend and do many wonderfully random things!


  1. I can totally relate to your "pregnancy brain". When I was pregnant with my son, I couldn't even knit or crochet because I was so scattered and unfocused. Don't worry, you'll be fine. As for all the other information, I think it's great that you're getting more recognition. . . I admire what you've done and hope to one day soon be like you! Enjoy your pregnancy and I hope you get your energy back soon

  2. Pregnancy left me for months sleeping around 16 hours a day...hahah I know, a bear. I was so tired.
    I've started a while ago with the art pieces more as a way of experimenting than anything else. Wool is so versatile, there are so many things to be done. for instance, Im not a big fan of hats...well, I like them but don't wear them. so I never took time to make one. Until a few days ago I thought...well, maybe I should make one regardless of whether I will use it or not, just to learn...learn technique, experiment...ya know, one learns by triak and error. Some things that might look easy end up being a bit more complicated that we thought... fibers tend to run wild and containing them is quite a task.
    Anyway, give into sleeping...enjoy... you won't sleep ever again after the baby is born! hahaha
    Good luck!

  3. BTW - I've given you the Lemonade award at my blog. Come by and check it out!


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