Friday, March 26, 2010

Midwest Fiber Crafts - a NEW Blog and Facebook fan page for promoting fiber events and activities across the Midwestern United States

I've established another blog for posting fiber events and activities across the Midwest.  It is called Midwest Fiber Crafts.  The goal of MFC is to freely promote Midwest fiber events of all kinds as well as provide a good information source for Midwestern fiber enthusiasts.  If you know of any fiber event or activity happening in the Midwest this year, please submit it to MFC for posting.  MFC also has a facebook fan page that I hope you will follow.  You can freely post your events directly to the wall there and upload photos as well as start discussions.  

Other than some sponsorship ads, this is mainly a labor of love.  My husband and I really enjoy attending fiber event.  (I think we'd go to one every weekend if we could find them!)  I hope this new blog helps others to find great fiber events to attend and support fiber farmers and other fiber business people.

Please take a minute to pass along this new blog and fan page to your fiber loving friends and family.  I would sincerely appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Is it wrong to love fibers so much? LOL
    I can get lost in this stuff.


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