Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hand Felted Wool Beads - now what to do with them?

I finished some felted wool beads not long ago, but now I'm having a difficult time figuring out just what to do with them. I can't decide what their destiny should be - a bracelet, necklace, embellishment for something else? Hmmm....I think that I can't make up my mind because they look so very nice to me just as they are.

If you'd like to see more photos of these woolly beads and other wool bead designs, you can find them on my flickr account.


  1. Very pretty. I think they would be nice as a necklace. :)

    Hi from Lawrence, Kansas.

  2. Very pretty!

    I think they would be nice as all of the above!

  3. Your felted beads are wonderful. Well I have some wool and a needle but haven't created much yet. Your blog is very nice.

  4. love the beads! I would love to have a necklace whit them.

  5. hi i am a new felter and was wondering if you could post some instructions for a couple of projects you have made???

  6. These would make a great embellishment on a bag or other item or just strung as a necklace. They're lovely.


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