Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Great holiday sales, a contest, and prizes from the Needle Felting Etsy Street Team! Many beautiful handmade needle felted creations from NFEST!

Some of my fellow teammates in the Needle Felting Etsy Street Team (NFEST) are participating in a big holiday sale this coming weekend and a super neat scavenger hunt contest too. I just wanted to pass along the information that Erin of fufukitty sent to me. I hope that it is a terrific sale for the participating NFEST members! Please read on to find out more details about it all and visit the NFEST blog for a complete list of participating shops.

NFEST team Holiday Sale
November 22nd and 23rd - All day.

The Needle Felting Etsy Street Team is proud to host their first Holiday Sale with great discounts all weekend! Plus, find the Felting Needle in the Haystack and win Prizes!

Go to our Team Blog to get started.
Visit the shops listed with sales and search the listings.
Look for the letters
*N - E - E - D - L - E - F - E - L- T*
in the descriptions of items for sale.
When you've found them, Convo the shop names in order
(example: Fufukitty =N) at the NFEST team shop.

Correct answers will be placed in a pool and winners will be drawn at random.
Prizes will include a needlefelting beginners kit and more!

1 comment:

  1. I love scavenger hunts!! I hope I can find the time to do this one.


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